Условия доставки
по Санкт-Петербургу - бесплатно от 2 000 руб.
по России - по тарифам транспортной компании.
Ru: Версия плавника Agua с коротким лезвием, разработанная специально для плавания и подводного плавания.
En: The Cressi Agua Short Swim Fin is the shorter more versatile version of Cressi s popular Aqua long blade fin. The Agua Short Fin is ideal for travelers and it is a concrete swimming aid either for pool or sea swim-lovers or snorkelers. It has the same features of Cressi fins such as an above the blade, self-adjusting foot pocket for incredible flexibility and comfort. The Agua Short fin is great for any level of users and it is a must have for your next tropical vacation or water workout next time you travel.