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Ru: Данная модель регулятора является компактной и легкой, что делает её отличным союзником в путешествии, когда при перелетах важен каждый грамм и сантиметр, а приспособленность данной модели к холодной воде, позволяет вам погружаться по всему миру, не зависимо от температуры воды.
Данная модель регулятора является компактной и легкой, что делает её отличным союзником в путешествии, когда при перелетах важен каждый грамм и сантиметр, а приспособленность данной модели к холодной воде, позволяет вам погружаться по всему миру, не зависимо от температуры воды.
MC9-SEAL CHAMBER 1ST stage является герметично запечатанной, с сухой камерой, что обеспечивает защиту от обледенения в холодной воде, а так же от загрязнения мелких твердых частиц в илистых условиях.
В паре с второй ступенью Ellipse Balanced , который включает в себя внутренний теплообменник, этот регулятор является отличным выбором для дайверов, исследующих в наиболее экстремальных условиях холодной воды.
1-я ступень:
- Сбалансированная диафрагма
- 2 порта высокого давления 7/16 UHF
- 4 порта среднего давления 3/8 UHF
- Рабочее давление: 300 бар (4350 фунтов на квадратный дюйм) DIN версии, 232 бар (3365 фунтов на квадратный дюйм) YOKE версия
- Калибровочное давления: 10 бар
- Корпус первой ступени с никелевым покрытием методом электролиза
- Высоко производительный конический фильтр с никелевым напылением
- Пневматическая пружина, противодействующая давлению с изменением глубины
- Калибровочная пружина из нержавеющей стали с микро регулировкой
- Корпус устойчивый к механическому износу с антикоррозийным покрытием
- Производительность 4500 л/мин
- Вес YOKE версии 650 гр.
Вес DIN версии 510 гр.
2-я ступень:
- Защита от давления в течениях
- Трубка с системой Вентури
- Запатентованный антифрикционный ползунок
- Теплопроводный корпус из технополимеров
- Большая кнопка принудительной подачи воздуха
- Анти царапающееся покрытие
- Металлическая вставка на внешней крышке
- Вес вместе со шлангом 140 гр.
En: 1st STAGE MC9 SC:
The 1st stage overcompensation diaphragm is ultra modern, but at the same time easy to manage, very reliable and durable. The thickness of the walls has been optimized to greatly reduce its total weight (380 g). A semi-flexible elastomer sheath protects the 1st stage from erosion, wear and tear. HP saddle in AISI316 stainless steel. In addition to being able to substitute it in case of deterioration during maintenance, the composition of the saddle, much harder than the traditional fixed brass saddles, prolongs its life as it is more resistant to the deformation caused by metal particles that can infiltrate from the tank. Polyurethane valve, very mechanically resistant, both to oils and to hyperoxic mixtures. The mechanism’s hyper-compensation guarantees a light increase in the intermediate pressure as the pressure in the tank decreases. Therefore the regulator delivers the maximum level of performance in the final phases of the dive, which are undoubtedly the most critical. Advanced research on internal air circulation and an exclusive distribution chamber that channels the air volume directly to the LP ports has reduced the minimum pressure drop levels in labored breathing (0.5 bar), guaranteeing high performance in any situation. The standard isolation and anti-freeze SC (Sealed Chamber) kit completely isolates the diaphragm and the spring from contact with the water, making it ideal for use in extremely low temperatures and dirty waters. Highly effective flanged filter inserted without circlip. 2 HP and 4 LP ports. Provided in INT (yoke) and DIN 300 bar. The threading of the DIN version is in stainless steel instead of brass to guarantee better resistance against drops or bumps.
New ultra simplified monocoque second stage in ABS + elastomer + STAINLESS STEEL, quite small (6 cm in diameter), very light (153 g) and robust, designed and built to have a minimum number of components. It is a smart buy due to its combination of performance, reliability, price and cost of maintenance. It is perfect for uses requiring maximum reliability and as a travel regulator, given its lightness. In the Pro version, the body of the integrated 2nd stage incorporates particles to improve thermal conductivity and to prevent freezing in cold environments. CE Standardization for use in cold water (>4º) EN250/2000. The specific calibration of the inhalation mechanism slightly changes the air delivery as compared to the Ellipse series; the feel and sensitivity of these models is exquisite, with an abundant flow without needing to exploit the Venturi effect. This feature adds a scant tendency to freeflow on the surface and when positioning the equipment in the water, ideal for schools and rentals, octopus and double regulator. Nevertheless, the performance results put it at the top of the highest range of regulators. Asymmetrical perforation in the front cap. The flow of the water starts to push the diaphragm counter-clockwise so that its retraction is perfectly flat and the cam progressively descends perpendicularly, independent of conditions (currents, brisk movements, facial position, etc.). Exhalation effort particularly reduced without having to reduce the thickness of the diaphragm. The design of the membrane retention system directs the 100% channeled flow towards the nozzles of the bow, taking advantage of a strong Venturi effect. Also, it works to direct the bubbles away from the diver’s field of vision. Embedded membrane to avoid water infiltration in case of brisk turns or jumps to enter the water. Practically integrated purge button, between 80-400% larger than that of any other regulator on the market to facilitate purging, especially for beginning divers. Cap system assembly by a 30º bayonet turn, assuring a very safe and simple assembly-disassembly, even while cleaning out sand on the beach, without the need of tools. Reduced ageing due to usage thanks to the casing finish, achieved by applying a new technology in the mold that creates a variegated look on a micro-texture of rounded profiles.
High pressure ports (HP) 2 - 7/16” Low pressure ports (LP) 4 - 3/8”
Compensation/system: overcompensation diaphragm Flanged filter without circlip
Swiveling turret: no
Air flow 3000 l/min (*)
Intermediate pressure 9-10 bar Intermediate pressure drop (150 bar) 0.5-1 bar
Exterior regulation LP: yes (Allen key)
Weight: Int. 615 g / DIN 480 g
Supply pressure (INT connection) 0-232 bar
Supply pressure (DIN connection) 0-300 bar
Tare pressure 9.2-9.6 bar
Tare regulation scale +/- 0.5 bar
(*) Measurements taken at an LP port with the second stage connected and 150 bar pressure in the tank.